Any visitor may voluntarily register in the website. In some cases, the Thermion will require users to register in order to provide certain e-services. The registration implies the acceptance of this Privacy Notice and their terms herein.
Any user will be solely responsible of the accuracy and authenticity of the data provided to Thermion. Thermion will not be liable of the consequences of the inaccuracy or misrepresentation of this data.
The user will be also responsible for any liability derived from the misuse of their own login details, namely their name and password.
The information provided for accessing such services will be used to provide the requested services and other related ones as well as for commercial purposes.
It may be possible that the Thermion web pages contain links to other sites whose privacy practices may differ. Thermion is not responsible for the Privacy Policy of these websites. We encourage you to read the privacy statements on other web sites you visit, as we have no control over information that is submitted to, or collected by, these third parties.
All personal data collected by Thermion are processed and protected in accordance with the Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 and the related provisions of the Spanish Law 15/1999 on Personal Data Protection.
The data will by processed by Triode Electronic Engineering S.L. file, registered before Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD).
The right to access, rectify, cancel or object personal data is to be exercised, pursuant to Spanish Law 15/1999 on Personal Data Protection, on written request to Triode Electronic Engineering S.L domiciled in C/ Cristóbal Pérez Pastor 3 6ºA, 02004 Albacete (Spain) and will be processed within 10 days.
Thermion reserves its right to modify this Privacy Notice at any time. Any modification about this privacy notice will be updated in this web site to inform users. If you do not agree to these changes, please do not continue to use Thermion website to submit personal information. If material changes are made to the Privacy Notice we will notify you by placing a prominent notice on the website.
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